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Infinity, Synchronicity,          and Moderation

About Synchronicity, briefly but essentially, any good spiritualist or open-minded person that truly understands it would list this potent experience, when it is in its full forms, as the best type of joy and inspiration in all human consciousness - and as the very fullest form of human wellness. Specifically, synchronicity contains moments of: abundance of the life force; a blissful fluidity felt between body and mind that is related to the profound; a continuousness between the conscious, the subconscious, the psyche, the body, and what is spiritual; radiant clarity and inspiration of self-guidance; and more of the like. It is for these reasons that it should be forever considered alongside the brilliance that goes through the center of the spiral, along with what is contained in vortexes of mind, with what is in the still points of crossing ellipses, or with what is inside and around the circle of the soul. And of course the contents of such lists can be translated in many ways, all of which are forms of the Superconscious. But perhaps this kind of amazing grace should be embraced only as a hobby and a sometimes. Perhaps even the happiest of times or moments should sometimes be stopped, cast away, or altered. But why in the world is that?


The answer to this question is psychological. A person that has some kinds of Bipolar Disorder, even when they are fully treated through professional help, inevitably has the experience of a powerful Joy making way for a strong Depression, or the reverse. Drugs are another instance of relevant psychic problem-events, when a high is followed by a low, and is known to spiral the user out of control. Hence your writer's term, Infinity, which references the unhealthy variety of psychic pain and confusion, the kinds that seem not to stop, that resist redirection and alteration. And the Infinity could be intense or could be less intense, but negative both ways. It seems that the gentler kind is often the most difficult to deal with. But these are only the most obvious instances of our topic herein.

A more subtle or hidden example of this kind of problematic cycle and imbalance happens when a person deliberately or spontaneously uses intuition, feeling, spontaneity, for just a few Yin-mind examples, for periods of time of moderate measure in order to dictate and influence the form that the next moments take. This comes from an agenda that some people label, Follow your bliss. And, here, too, something dangerous can take place. There arises the possibility that the subject's consciousness will too often travel into a realm dominated in particular by surprisingly influential, unpleasant or painful, and chaotically ever-moving strings of mental thought, all because of the absence of Yang-mind functions like deliberation, thinking, down-to-earth-ness, logic. Another piece of wisdom here, specifically made to balance the saying about Bliss with the ordinary mind, with proper reality, is the saying, No pain, no game. This is a form of Moderation. And the reverse is Moderation for people that experience too much pain, or work too hard - Just, Follow your bliss. 


Of course, there is no book that directly describes for a reader how to persist in proper balance of the Yin-yang - it seems to be different for everyone, and it seems to be derived often directly from the virtue of experience. Also for this particular set of opposites, the pain doesn't eliminate the bliss, in the presence of balance and wellness, or vice versa, but instead only adds a middle-ground - which at worst is awkward and at best feels solid, somehow grounded, lighter, mostly manageable. And in the case of your writer there is a warmth, a moderate relaxation, a mildness, a sort of ordinary space to float in. Some people call this the "In-between." And embracing this middle-ground, a form of the Lesser, is another kind of Moderation.

Moving backwards a bit, our term of, Infinity, always has specific properties. It can be confusing and is discontinuous of mind, it is resistant to function, it is at least a little bit painful, it generates toxic psychic energy that replicates itself, it pulls awareness out of the grounded-ness it should have, and in some cases can become a cause of psychosis, even psychosis that is so tricky that it can hardly be identified. In some philosophical circles, a phenomenon and impulse that can be identified within or considered relevant to the this Infinity has a name: Nihilism.


This term references any sort of internal will that by nature pushes the mind away from warmth, from peacefulness, from joy, from the spoils of properly embraced Lesser, from the In-between. And this strange-sounding will is also known to push and pull consciousness away from very strong types of Wellness, like those resulting from lots of mindfulness. It feels almost like a desire to destroy good moments or to directly generate resistance or pain. It is as if there is some subtle or hidden gratification that can happen, to just about anyone, during moments of resistance or pain, which of course is an occurrence that doesn't make any sense. Even the best of joys can sometimes include the worst kind of Nihilism or Infinity. It is in this case that the Art of Moderation - as it surely is an art that has many forms, tricks, and techniques, though also a simple definition and a way of being easily pulled off - is often well-placed, appropriate, rewarding or even a life-saver. And this is true even when moderation means deliberately letting go of the strong joy and strong wellness of the like of Synchronicity.

As a virtue that is of great importance and usefulness, and that is, hence, highly underrated, could serve a self-observer well in many of its forms - especially during and in anticipation of an appearance of Nihilism and/or Infinity. An example is, when one minute, hour or other time unit is experienced as a positive, then perhaps maybe the second, third, or later appearance of that positive should sometimes be delayed, ignored or even willed to elimination, as opposed to being embraced, enjoyed, ridden out. And while pushing this agenda, let it take a few minutes for the effort to catch on. In fact, what is left is so often the very harmless - and also profoundly underrated - ordinary, everyday, in-between, Lesser, mild, and merely floating. And remember that there is nothing wrong with extended time-segments of the like of these, or even extended segments of a Lesser of awkwardness.


Moving on to specific examples of this vital answer of Moderation, the other writings inside this website are full of answers, even if they seem to have very intellectual or erudite gists and are hard to read: even the parts of this site that seem to be just definitions and terms and example-lists that represent them have powerful, subtle, invisible, and otherwise effective medicine in them. One of the principles that makes such definitions medicinal is the habit of just letting the ideas and articulations that compose them float around in the mind, like sleeping on it. And perhaps a practitioner can even sleep on it while he/she is awake. It seems, too, that there is benefit to be had in letting our topic concepts float around inside the part of the mind we call the subconscious, since it generally has several layers of awareness - many of those subtle and/or imperceptible much or most of the time, a little bit like dreams.

Perhaps the best examples of Moderation are things that come with the asset of resonance (also discussed in another part of the website), like subtlety, speed of mind, and depth. That is, when a practitioner has resonance, it means that they have perceptive abilities that penetrate into their own or into other consciousnesses. With practice or talent this can happen with speed and can distinguish things at very subtle and deep levels. It can answer conscious or subconscious questions and spontaneous wonderings. The resonant will find something having to do with what another is thinking. They will feel what a passerby on the sidewalk feels. And thus, with the mere noticing of our mentioned psychic problem appearances, the energy, heat, electricity, or other motivating influence can subtly, or very noticeably, arise right alongside them; the conscious awareness of one that is resonant espouses or has become like a little charge of lightning that strikes such adversarial influences before they even go beyond the form of the subtlest of thoughts. Further, another way of describing these virtues is to say that they generate or imply psycho-matter or littler-type thought that inadvertently keep Nihilism and Infinity away, or that can anticipate Nihilism or other causes of Infinity so that steps, even just simple self-reminders, can be taken. 


But there is more about depth to be learned, too. Those with depth sometimes deliberately build a body of thought because they know that, in turn, it stays in action and application all the time, or is always available as help, an ally. And this mental energy can then fuel subtlety and speed of mind, for an alternate sequence of virtue. Furthermore, when the energy of somewhat deeper parts of oneself is given time, energy, and/or the spaceto rise into the conscious and/or subconscious mind, it develops all manner of helpful powers and allies of awareness - more than just those that come with Resonance. It seems that with all of these things in play, a self-observer can say they have really done something with their consciousness. And it is worth noting here that sometimes a little bit slower is a lot faster. (Please read the Resonance section for further material!)

Taking this idea of medicine further, and in order to open the mind of the reader, next your writer will briefly discuss one perhaps very odd sample of useful ideation. Some mystical traditions include and discuss in their studies the experience of having little bits of consciousness that they say are stored in body points, leftover from past lives - subtle energies that contain images, sensations, emotions, thoughts, dreams, or what-not. Although your writer is wary of belief in past lives, even while he practices Deeper Layering, uses penetrating perception to know deeper parts of himself, and while he works on those layers of mind, this is an example that nudges the mind to be aware of the great diversity of consciousness identities that are out there. What if some of the reader's most remarkable memories from this life are stored as some variety of mind in these points? What if there are ten cells, or two organs, of living tissue at different parts of your body that used to be part of a great supernova, eons ago? Some people are cerebral, others physical, others emotional - and these are only down-to-earth and heavily simplified psychological terms. What about the rest, the more fun, the more magical identies? Imagine.

Of course, there are a lot of people that prefer what they would call a dose of common sense, or even of full-on existentialism, when studying such phenomena, siding with very traditionally Western, modern, down-to-earth, empirical governing ideas, instead. This kind of Moderation is more a subtracting, an elimination of something, whereas Resonance and depth are sometimes the positive kind, adding something. Even your partially pagan writer factors that ethic in some of the time; that is, don't forget about Moderation, simplicity, letting go, keeping balance - at least some of the time by means of an assertive or near-aggressive agenda! Are not the basics of the writings inside this website, then, also partially simple, largely down-to-earth, empirically-derived, and having of Western psychology in their renderings and gists? Aren't each term and essential idea described with a few specific paragraphs, each? That is for the reader to decide.


Still, in truth, most of the included abstractions are also Deeply Felt by your writer, having of definitions that have their source deep inside - which is a whole different kind of logic, not exclusively based on pure thinking or the scientific method. That is why the abstract, partially Superconscious content herein still seems to him to be of importance, even great importance, in writings like this one. This is partially simply because he has found that - more generally - thinking about stuff like this, here and there, just seems to help with happiness, seems to realign and open-up the thinking and feeling in life, and is enough to create a desire to make an occasional hobby out of it.

Further, then, if the reader wishes to let awesome ideas like mind-dancing or fast thinking or synchronicity percolate through their mind, there is more. There are a series of contemporary authors that espouse the phrase, the Law of Attraction, as a highly useful, "enlightening," and opening-up tool! While your writer tends to balance himself in his Lesser, in his conscious mind, most of the time, making room for a very consistent, warm, mild peace to well up from deeper inside, and from his "thinking body" (vs. dancing mind) - he has discovered that the life force that he can Feel Cycling in some mysterious way throughout his consciousness and body, the thoughts and feelings he has been having, seem to factor into the events that unfold every day. That is, it has felt to him repeatedly that he is actually creating reality, that some magic inside him is playing a role in attracting events internal and/or external.

On the other hand from existentialism, there is a whole lot of evidence in Quantum Physics that not only suggests, but proves that phenomena like the Superconscious ideas above and elsewhere herein are not somewhat - but rather, Very - relevant to the strictest sciences and to the strictest scientifically, empirically derived information - which is also known as, Fact. This is enough for him to make this mathematical, chemical, scientific theme - this very abstract archetype - one-in-the-same as all of the rest! A few examples are healing arts like, Naturopathy, network-chiropractic, cranial-sacral therapy, and acupunctural medicines - which have to do with what they would call organs, spinal-cortex fluids, energies, electricity, meridians. This is the purpose of terms like, psychosomatic, or psyche, the latter seeming to be defined or used as if it is part conscious, part body, part energy/spirit, part subconscious. Amazing how thoughts sometimes so intimately can affect the body! 


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